In accordance with Turkish law, TAPU is the only document certifying the ownership of the acquired property.
In the Cadastral Office, where TAPU is stored and issued, you can get complete information about the property - about all the owners who were related to this property before the transaction, find out if there are debts or legal prosecutions, etc.
The transfer of TAPU takes place in the Cadastral Office. When making transactions with the participation of foreigners who do not speak Turkish, a prerequisite for the legitimacy of the contract is the signature of a state translator.
The term for obtaining TAPU is up to five days from the moment the seller submits an application to the Cadastral Office.
The TAPU contains the following information:
1. Type and address of real estate - the cadastral number of the land on which the object is located.
2. Passport size photo (2 color photos are required for registration)
3. Information about the registration of a land plot in the cadastral department.
4. Condition of the land plot (from the information in the cadastral department)
5. Number of block, apartment or house, sq.m.
6. Information about the previous owner
7. Information about the new owner
8. Date of acquisition by the new owner (date of registration of the new TAPU)
9. The share of share ownership of land,
10. The cost of the object (this amount is used in calculating the annual property tax, and is also paid by the state if an insured event occurs). The cost may differ from the actual purchase price by several times, which is beneficial when paying tax, but reduces national insurance payments.
11. TAPU number when registering the previous owner (changes with each transfer of ownership)
12. Registration data of the new TAPU document
13. Signature of the authorized person and stamp of the cadastral department
On the basis of TAPU you can get a residence permit.